My fiance’s family have offered to sell us their mobile home, but my best friend and sister say it’s trashy. What should I do? There’s nothing trashy about a trailer,…
I can’t do downtime
A letter writer is struggling with feelings of guilt every time they stop being “productive”. It’s all about balance, explains our elder. Dear EWC Hello! I have recently noticed that…
I Quit My Job to Find Something Better, But It Is Not Working Out
“I wanted to find something where I could grow as a person, but now I cannot find any job at all. Instead of growing, I feel like I am shrinking.”…
She Tries to be Organized, But Can’t Get High Grades Like Her Friends
“Can you help me learn how to be more productive with my study time?” Our Elder Says: There are many good methods to improve your ability to focus and do…
I Wish My Life Was As Good As Theirs.
“My friends all have lots of money and find school easy, while I struggle with everything. How do I stop being jealous?” Our Elder team advises: “It is normal to…
Am I Being Compulsive If I Drop an Inconsiderate Friend?
“I was planning an outing with a friend, then they went without me and never called.” Our Elder says: “You cannot control other people’s behavior, and friends are bound to …
Social phobia and a ton of debt
How can I make a success of my life? Writing down your thoughts can help you figure it out, says our elder. Here’s some homework to get you started. …
My mind is a tornado
How can I stop the chaos? You aren’t alone, says our elder. Try countering your negative emotions with positive thoughts. Dear EWC Whenever I write in my journal, I…
Whoah, medicine is hard!
This letter writer is having second thoughts about their career plans. Our elder has some tips on choosing a path that fits. Dear EWC You know that feeling, when…
Tired of talking first
When I meet new people, it’s always me who makes the first approach. Should I wait for them to talk first? Be optimistic, says our elder. Positive affirmations are a…