I’m 15, He’s 45 Original Letter hi,i recently asked for advice on this topic but i didn’t fully explain every detail. I’m a 15 year old female, the…
Husband Mistakenly Thinks I Planned to Cheat
Husband Mistakenly Thinks I Planned to Cheat Original Letter Long story short as I can my husband saw text message exchange between myself and a co worker from…
Trans Woman Tired of Living a Lie
Trans Woman Tired of Living a Lie Original Letter Trans woman, not out. Tired of living a lie. But on the other hand, I will never be pretty,…
Cruel Words From Someone I Thought Was My Friend
Original Letter Hey, my name is Rachel. I’m 15 and a freshman in high school. Now for a while someone who I thought was my friend was sending…
Can’t Seem to Get Over the Trauma
Original Letter Something really bad happened to me about a year ago, it really affected me and my family even though i’ve been denying that since it happened….
Feeling Stuck In Relationship Due to Money
Feeling Stuck In Relationship Due to Money Original Letter I moved to Newcastle, about a 7 hours drive from my home in Devon to live with my Boyfriend….
It Hurts Too Much to Stay Friends
It Hurts Too Much to Stay Friends Original Letter Dear Advice-People, I don’t know what to do. My ex-boyfriend wants us to be friends but it’s too difficult…
My sexuality and religion
My sexuality and religion Original Letter I need some advice. I think I might be pansexual. I am really attracted to gay men but not attracted to women…
Feedback 6 years after the advice was provided
Hello Pickles Marie I don’t think this website gets emails such as these but if anyone could contact Elder “PicklesMarie” and give her this follow up. This email…