
Help! I bombarded my camp crush

When you meet someone at camp and send him way too many messages, things can get awkward.

Don’t apologize, says our elder, and hold your head high.

Dear EWC

So, I was at a camp, with my friends, and then we met these boys. We were pretty friendly and flirty. After the camp, I got the number of the guy. We wrote maybe two or three messages, but then I bombarded him with messages without him writing anything. Now we are meeting them including him I think. It’ll be awkward… I need you help!

Elder KMF replies

I’m sorry to say, it sounds to me like this guy is not interested in you. You may have over communicated (i.e. come on too strong) with your “bombardment” of messages. He might not have been ready for so much interaction so soon into your relationship.

When the group of you girls meet the group of the boys (him included), play it cool. Try to act like all the boys are of similar interest to you. Give no special attention/conversation to the guy who has ignored you. If he approaches you, be polite, but don’t gush. You need not explain your multiple messages. Say nothing/make no apologies. You did nothing wrong. If you think he might be interested after all, try to give him some space and time to determine if he likes you. He may be the type that likes to take things slowly, in his own time.

If he does express interest, that’s great. If he doesn’t, move on to conversation with another girl or guy and hold your head high.

Good luck to you!

Reference 400837

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